Διαχειριστική Επιτροπή

Eftychia Touliou
M.Sc. “Advanced Computer & Communication Systems”- PhD Candidate in Journalism and Media Elementary School Teacher My involvement with the First Student Radio began in 2011, when I met European School Radio as a teacher. From the very first moment I discovered his potential in the field of Pedagogical Science. I

Moschidou Ioanna
Student of Journalism and Media – AUTH.

Levadis Sophia
Pianist, Music Educator, Musicologist MM• Eastman School of Music

Dilaveri Vasilia
Philologist & Director, 26th Kallithea BoD M. Ed – PhD candidate

Yenitzes Anagnostis
Teacher, M.Ed. Founding Member of European School Radio
Αναπληρωματικά Μέλη Διαχειριστικής Επιτροπής

Varaklis Eugene
Student in Department of Music Technology & Acoustics in Mediterranean University.

Melessanaki Maria
Teacher – Journalist General education school Magister Artium – Communication and New Journalism

Konti Aggelos
Shareholder Event Production Company
Εξελεγκτική Επιτροπή

Georgia G. Markea
PhD in Music Education, Music teacher

Papadopoulos George
Student, IHU Sq. Computer Engineering, Computer & Telecommunications

Valmas Theofanis
Teacher, M.Ed. Western Greece Educational Project Coordinator

Symeon Sideris
Student Dept. of Production Engineering and Management, International Hellenic University

Anna Pateraki
ICT Teacher in Secondary Education I met European School Radio in 2014 through the radio productions of my student group. I am a member of the Scientific Society since 2016. Until today it is an integral part of my daily life and part of my educational activity inside and outside

Spirakis Ioannis
Music teacher

Skoubopoulou Chariklia (Chara)
Philologist & Musician Music School of Veria

Karantzi Katerina

Kamilos Nikos
Teacher Dr. History and Teaching History Organizational Coordinator of the 4th PECES Attica

Yagoulis Nikolaos
Teacher MSc, MBA Founding Member of European School Radio

Dimitris Banos
M.Sc. “Management of Training Units” ICT Teacher in Secondary Education

Angeli Vana
Secondary teacher of Greek Language Phd in Evaluation in Education Coordinator of Greek Language secondary teachers 3rd Regional Center of Educational Planning, Central Macedonia, Greece

Andreou Elena
Educational Consultant

Amanatidis Nikos
Phd in ICT Training and Evaluation in Education Educational Coordinator in Northern Greece and Project Manager- ICT Coordinator/Trainer/Researcher